Killing Parasite with Frequency Depowered Bugs Comprehending the pathology of diseases is crucial for homeopathy. Without understanding the underlying causes, a physician cannot treat a disease effectively. The 3D/8D Virus program assists in identifying symptoms of illness, differentiating between common and rare symptoms, and defining those symptoms that are helpful for selecting remedies. This program interprets frequency waves from various sources and visualizes them on a computer screen as three-dimensional projections. It stores the unique frequency of each virus and bacterial cell in the computer's memory. We use also a RIFE machine to neutralize these pathogens. The computer program produces disharmonic electromagnetic frequencies, effectively reducing their frequencies to zero. We use also a RIFE machine
Historically, viruses eluded our observational techniques due to the limitations of our equipment. Standard microscopy cannot typically detect viruses because they are too small. Nonetheless, technological advancements, such as Dr. Royal Rife's microscope, have shed light on these tiny organisms. Viruses composed of subatomic particles, also referred to as SAP Viruses, can infect individuals and cause health and mental problems without an identifiable origin. The most effective current method to counter these viruses is the use of frequency software to depower them. See if the frequency does any bugs.